Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute (GUHES) is the publication organ of the Gazi University Institute of Health Sciences, and is published as an online open access journal, three times a year.
GUHES publishes qualified clinical and experimental research, case reports and letters to the editor about health sciences; medicine, dentistry, nutrition, dietetics, nursery, audiology, biochemistry, microbiology, phsiology, pharmacy and all the other fields in health sciences.
GUHES provides open access to scientific publications. Immediately after the publication of the journal, the full texts of the articles can be accessed free of charge. No publication fee is charged from the authors for the publications in GUHES.
The manuscripts submitted for publication must not be published elsewhere or should not be under review by another journal at the time of submission. Previous studies in congresses are accepted provided that this is indicated. If the manuscript contains some of the topics in a previously published article of the author (s), this should be stated and a copy of the previous article should be sent along with the new article.
All articles sent to the journal are scanned with iThenticate. Submissions exceeding 25% score are returned to authors. The Editor or Editorial Board Member has the authority to not publish, refuse, publish or reject the manuscripts that do not comply with the publication requirements. The Editor or Editorial Board Member submits the letter she/he deems appropriate to the consultant (s) for review. If necessary, correction may be requested from the author (s). Request for correction from the author does not mean that the manuscript will be published. These corrections must be completed and sent to the journal within 15 days at the latest. Otherwise, it is considered a new application. The responsible author is informed of the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
Ethical, scientific and legal responsibility of the manuscripts published in the journal belong to the author (s) and do not reflect the views of the Editors and Editorial Board members.
*No copyright is paid for the articles published in the journal.
The written language of the journal is English.
Authors may wish to apply Gazi University Akademik Writing Center for English Language Editing service.
The Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute publishes articles that comply with ethical and scientific standards. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the articles with the ethical rules. For all prospective studies, Ethics Committee approval should be obtained from the institution where the study is conducted and should be stated in the manuscript. Case reports; due to ethical and legal rules, care should be taken to protect the privacy of the patient. The patient's identity should not be printed without the written informed consent of the patient (or his/her legal guardian).
Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute recalls the necessity of observing the generally accepted ethical rules in the studies conducted with experimental animals. The approval of the Ethics Committee must be uploaded to the system together with the article.
G.Ü. Health Sciences Institute Ethical Considerations
Upon acceptance of an article, for the publication of the manuscript, all authors are asked to sign the Transfer of Publication Rights Form.
"We, the authors with the names below, declare that we are actively involved in the planning, conducting and analyzing of data as well as the writing of this article and we accept all responsibility for this work. Our article is a valid study. This article has not yet been published, nor is it currently being reviewed by another journal, and we also guarantee to send all data related to the article to the editors. In the event that the Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute evaluates and publishes this article, we hereby declare that we have transferred all of our copyrights to the Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute . As authors, we declare that Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute authors, editors and editorial board have no responsibility for any claims or claims filed by third parties for copyright infringement. Furthermore, we undertake that we have no criminal offenses or unlawful statements in the article, that no material and method is used in the course of the investigation, that we have obtained all legal permits and that we have acted in accordance with the ethical rules.”
The author (s), in the presence of the institution providing financial support for commercial connection or work; used in commercial product, pharmaceutical, company etc. should notify the Editor on the presentation page of how he/she has a relationship.
Any financial support from National (BAP, TUBİTAK, etc.) or International organizations (EU, NIH, etc.) should be indicated clearly.
Conflict-of-interest statement should be included at the end of the manuscript.
Highlights should consist of a short collection of bullet points (maximum of 5 points – 120 characters) that convey the most critical findings of the article.
The graphical abstract is the visual scheme of the manuscript that summarizes the study and allows the readers to easily identify the article’s essential message. It will appear at the top of the online version of the article. The graphical abstract should be 300 dpi and minimum 531 x 1328 pixels (TIFF, EPS or PDF)
Original articles:
Original articles should not exceed 3500 words and should include “Abstract, (Maximum 250 words), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (where appropriate) and References”.
Case Reports:
Case reports should be arranged as “Abstract, Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, References”. Case reports should not exceed 1500 words and abstracts maximum 250 words.
The Letter to the Editor
The Letter to the Editor may be written to include a table or figure and not exceeding 750 words in relation to published texts or professional subjects. In addition, the right to answer letters related to the texts published in the journal is given.
Review articles
Review article should not exceed 2500 words and abstracts maximum of 250 words.
The following format should be followed for the articles to be published in the journal.
c) The article should include the following sections:
Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any), References, Figure Captions, Tables (with headings and descriptions), Appendix (if any). The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and footnote.
The Title Page
The title page includes title, running head, authors names, institutional affiliation, and author note (which includes grant/funding information and a full correspondence address).
Article Title (12 Points, bold, each word capitalized, centered )
A maximum of 20 words, should be clearly defining the content of the manuscript.
Names of the Authors and Affiliations
Full name(s) and surname(s) of each of the author should be indicated correctly. The authors' affiliation addresses should be indicated below the names with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Full postal address of each author and the e-mail address should also be indicated.
Corresponding author: Corresponding author who should handle the correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication should be indicated. The e-mail address should be given and the contact details should be up to date.
The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be written in English. It should contain, aim, materials and methods, results and conclusion parts within the text. The aim of the study, the operations, observational and analytical methods the and main results should be indicated. The references should not be used in the abstract.No abstract is required for the letter to the editor.
A maximum of 5 keywords which clearly represents the manuscript should be indicated.
Statistical methods
The applied statistical methods should be stated in the Materials and Methods section.
The references should be written according to APA 6.0 criteria. (
In-text citations
Journal citations
One or two authors: (Surname, year)
Three, four, or five authors: (Surnames, year)
Six or more
Journal citation examples
Book citations
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
Book citation example:
Author, A. (date). Title of book. Retrieved from https://xxxxxxxxx
USADA (2019). Nutrition Guide. Retrieved from
Book Chapter:
Author, A. (Year). Title of chapter. In B. B. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. x–xx). Location: Publisher.
Online book chapter:
Author, A. (date). Title of chapter. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. x–xx). Retrieved from https://xxxxxxxxx
Karataş A (2000). Molecular biology and genetics of dipeptide biosynthesis: the system is an essential component of quorum sensing global regulation. PhD, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Online resources:
Author, A. (date). Title. Retrieved from https://xxxxxxxxx
Creating a reference list
Morawska, A., & Sanders, M. R. (2006). Self-administered behavioral family intervention for parents of toddlers: Part I. Efficacy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(1), 10-19. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.74.1.10
Acknowledgements could be stated when appropriate.
Tables should be complementary to the text, and should not contain repeated information in the text. Tables should be numbered with Arabic numbers. A short and descriptive title should be written on the top of the table. The abbreviations in the table should be explained immediately below the table.
*When using figures published elsewhere, the author must have obtained permission and document it.
Units and Abbreviations
All measurements must be written according to the metric system (International System of Units, SI). (Example: mg, kg, g, mL, h, mL, min, mmHg, etc.)
*Abbreviations in the text should be explained in parenthesis where they were first used.
*Generic names should be used in writing drugs.
* For further details refer to APA 6.0 Style. (
* The manuscript template could be used for the general format. (TEMPLATE)
12 points, 1.5 line spacing, margins 1 inch)
words) (English and Turkish )
Submission of manuscripts to Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute is done through DERGIPARK online system. (DERGIPARK GUHES)
A peer review system involving at least two reviewers is used to ensure high quality of manuscripts accepted for publication.
The Journal of Gazi University Health Sciences Institute operates a single blind review process. All the manuscripts will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable for publication will be sent to a minimum of two independent experts for reviewer process to assess the scientific quality of the paper. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding to the acceptance or rejection of all the articles sent for publication.
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